Saturday, March 17, 2012

Haute Arden B.

Arden B. bikinis at


  1. Love the first photo gorgeous coverlet

  2. i really like your name! it sounds awesome

  3. I like that orange cover-up.:)

    Love, Belle

  4. In that last photo the way the pattern on the bikini bottom accentuates the models curves is fascinating to me. I'm sure I've noticed an effect like that before, but it's fun thinking about how the changes of direction in parallel lines can be used to influence our initial perception. Sorry I too so long to notice your blog "Bikinis and Martinis". It's a lovely blog and reminds me that summer is coming. I have a lot of shaping up to do before I head to any beaches that aren't deserted. Maybe I should look for a suit that matches a 24" long empire-waisted top to at least cover my waist.


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